Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Duet Exercises
Essential Etudes
Pedagogical Repertoire
Classic Amusements

Level 8 continues to develop and review what was learned in Levels 0 - 7. Improvise famous melodies harmonizing in intervals of major and minor thirds; read famous melodies with texture: monophonic, polyphonic, homophonic; compare Schubert's Musical Moments, delicate and forceful; harmonize famous melodies in one hand with inverted chords; analyze and play the introduction of Joplin pieces. Theoretically recognize the historical origin of predominant tones; Pythagoras and musical science; plainsong and organum; descant; fauxbourdon; compare beat, syncopated, and continuous repeating. Technically grip and hop octaves and long arpeggios; dramatic gestures; toss and reach; emphasize two-note slurs; slide over long slurs and inversions; continuous rolling wrist; contrast legato, staccato, and beautiful melodies; traditional Mozart scale in fast contrary and parallel motion; Mozart scale chromatic; Mozart scale in octaves and thirds; Mozart scale in octaves. The pieces played in Level 8 consist of traditional songs and arrangements of classic melodies from operas, symphonies, and master piano works; along with classic duets, and original advancing pedagogical pieces.


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