Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Duet Exercises
Essential Etudes
Pedagogical Repertoire
Classic Amusements

Regardless of age or previous experience, all students will learn something new from level 0. Theory consists of vocabulary for directions on the keyboards: low-high, left-right, below-above, bottom-top, and up-down; the music alphabet of A B C D E F G repeating up the keyboard seven times; the sets of two and three black keys also repeating seven times, and used to find the white keys by name; and C named by octave repeating seven. In level 0, students first read notation by fingering and letter names with an emphasis of looking up and never down at the keys; notes are introduced around middle C on the staff, along with note values, and naming the clefs and time signatures. Technically instructions are for good posture; exercises for basic piano technique; and fast fingering. The songs played in Level 0 consists of traditional songs and arrangements of classic melodies from operas, symphonies, and master piano works.


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