Level 3 continues to develop and review what was learned in Levels 0 - 2. Read chord symbols instead of notes; read the range of notes low C to high C; name the nine most important notes and say the five lines above and below middle C by memory; recognize conjunct and disjunct notes on the staff; name notes in an octave four ways, letter, degree, sol-fa, and terms; name ledger lines duplicating and extending the staff; and recognize signs for articulation. Theoretically divide and subdivided the beat; analyze with syllables and in real and slow time; recognize dotted notes by equivalent values; and identify Italian terms for temp. Technically, reach and squeeze fingering in a continuous legato; grip the hand to hold the shape of a 6th melodically and in clusters; spring and slide in 6ths; smoothly play arpeggios; change articulation with a continuous wrist action; play legato double note hands together; connect and pluck double notes; spring and shake fast repetitions; and roll scales in and out. The pieces played in Level 3 consist of traditional songs and arrangements of classic melodies from operas, symphonies, and master piano works; along with classic duets, and original pedagogical pieces for children.