Level 2 continues to develop and review what was learned in Levels 0 - 1. Read notes on the staff in various motions, parallel, contrary, repeating, and oblique; name starting points on the staff in octaves: low C bottom line G, bass C, clef line F, middle C, Clef line G, treble C, top line F, and high C; read the clefs changing staffs; and cross hands following special stem directions. In theory learn how notes decrease in value dividing by one-half in fractional values; name notes in the in low and treble octaves four ways by letter, degree, sol-fa, and terms; name intervals on the staff by number; and read key and time signatures. Technically grip the hand strong to play in clusters; forearm drop slow and fast; play fast chromatic fingering; snap open to reach to find octaves; find chords by root, first inversion and second inversion; play chords smoothly in broken arpeggio and Alberti bass. The pieces played in Level 2 consist of traditional songs and arrangements of classic melodies from operas, symphonies, and master piano works; along with songs and classic in duets, and original pedagogical pieces for children.